Screen shots of Dumb Ass's conversation with his handful of drooling beasts passing themselves off as humans, shows that this idiot wants to come after Devore Shelter.
Bring it on, little man. You will be blown out of the water and reamed a new one if you try. You stupid man, haven't you bothered to do any research on your own? Of course not, he follows the Whino, no one that follows that vile man does their own research or even thinks for themselves.
C'mon, Dumb Ass. Stick your nose in, make another complete fool of yourself along with your butt buddy, Marilyn. Do you realize that broad has never even been in the Devore shelter, much less rescued anything from there. Are you aware that she is connected with breeding? Of course, you are aware, you are a breeder yourself and breeders stick together.
We've stopped the morbid Marilyn and her cronies with the truth, and you will be stopped too.
Of course, you will do this "expose" on the Huff Puff so you can control the comments, deleting any that disagree with you. Coward, I challenge you to do your dirty work in such a fashion that comments aren't deleted. You are too much of a coward to step outside the Huff Puff protection. You're a coward just like the evil one you support.
Dumb Ass, you are one dumb shit.