Friday, May 13, 2016


I've gotten some comments as to why I am not writing as much anymore. Others do a much better job and are writing about events. Of course, they don't put my slant on things.

To be honest, there is just too much work right now to keep this blog going. Although I want to everyday, it's hard to do when you are writing to legislators all day.

I will make an effort to do a little more with the blog. Much of it has been 'dedicated' to the breeder, Brenda Barnette. Obviously, no one in LA much read it when it first came out, but they are reading it now.

LA got what it wished for, No Kill. It wasn't what you thought, was it LA? Tried to tell you, didn't want to hear it. My problem now is if Barnette does leave, who will take her place. No one in their right mind who is capable of fixing LAAS would be willing to do it UNLESS No Kill is kicked to the curb and never brought up again. Otherwise, LA is doomed to repeat the mistakes made with Boks and Barnette. I fear an even worse person will be hired, Jon Cicirelli from San Jose. He wants the job.

I just hope that LA doesn't jump out of the pot into the fire. If they don't start learning their lessons from the past, they are doomed to repeat them in the future.


Gods Property said...

Glad to know you are still alive! Your Brenda Whino and Feinds backstories and antics are really valuable for all to see. I never understood really how pam just tossed out her megaphone and jumped into her BarcaLounger never to be heard from again----because we got Brenda?? Was there an unholy alliance between pam and the mayors office where she got to pick someone if she would just bug off? ADLA loathed everyone in city LAAS roll call (and I agree a parade of idiots) BUT just because BB is GM ADLA is cool with all the shelter policies and empty suits who run them? Was pam a puppet of Be$t Friend$ ? Brenda denied at a hearing that she had ever worked with BF before she came to LA. That's hysterical. Anyway you have so many FACTS on your blog it's like a refreshing oasis of Truth Justice and the American Way in a vast desert of lies corruption and greed that is LA - a Quattro Point greed and power grab on the paws of the caged of BF, FOUND ANIMALS (the only billionaire run non profit always ginned up to take donations and sell you something) ASPCA (new to the scene but digging in -- well the Supreme Court told them they had to part with some of their millions and actually give it to animal betterment- and LAAS and the Junior boy Garcetti. How many big ballers can u fit in one city of animal dumpers and backyard breeders? Endless supply of misery for all of them to feed off of and maintain their Cush salaries for their natural lives.

Gods Property said...

Glad to know you are still alive! Your Brenda Whino and Feinds backstories and antics are really valuable for all to see. I never understood really how pam just tossed out her megaphone and jumped into her BarcaLounger never to be heard from again----because we got Brenda?? Was there an unholy alliance between pam and the mayors office where she got to pick someone if she would just bug off? ADLA loathed everyone in city LAAS roll call (and I agree a parade of idiots) BUT just because BB is GM ADLA is cool with all the shelter policies and empty suits who run them? Was pam a puppet of Be$t Friend$ ? Brenda denied at a hearing that she had ever worked with BF before she came to LA. That's hysterical. Anyway you have so many FACTS on your blog it's like a refreshing oasis of Truth Justice and the American Way in a vast desert of lies corruption and greed. Behold the Quattro Point greed /power grab on the paws of the caged byb BF, FOUND ANIMALS (the only billionaire run non profit ginned up to take donations and sell you something) ASPCA (new to the scene but digging in -- well Supreme Court Made them part with some of their millions and actually give it to animal betterment- ) and LAAS and the Junior boy Garcetti. How many big ballers can u fit in one city of animal dumpers and backyard breeders? Endless supply of misery for all of them to feed off and maintain Cush salaries for their natural lives. Thank Heavens there is no pet overpopulation in Washington, Oregon and Colorado! Busses running weekly to their empty shelters to fill with our shelter population... And yet we STILL kill for space!