Sunday, February 17, 2013


Either No Kill has a learning disability or No Kill just flat lies through their teeth. No Kill News, that ridiculous website, announces another "victory". Lynchburg Humane Society supposedly is now at a live release rate that qualifies them as No Kill. Let's take a look at this "victory".

"In Lynchburg itself, stray intake dropped from 1306 in 2009 to 1018 in 2010." according to NK News. What NK News fails to tell you is that 100 animals died in their cages and kennels during that time as well. Now let's compare that death rate.

Rancho Cucamonga's State report for 2009 shows that 103 animals died in their cages and kennels. Rancho handled five and a half thousand animals that year. Lynchburg handled only 2254 animals, half of Rancho's numbers. Yet Lynchburg had as many animals die in their cages as Rancho.

No Kill News compares Lynchburg to neighboring communities. Amherst had NO ANIMALS TO DIE IN THEIR CAGES THAT YEAR. Bedford County only had 35 animals to die in their cages and kennels that year and handled more animals. Campbell County had only 27 to die in their cages and kennels. WHY IS THE RATE SO HIGH FOR LYNCHBURG OF ANIMALS DYING WHILE UNDER THEIR CARE?

The year of 2010 also shows that Lynchburg had a high death-in-kennel rate at 62 deaths. Amherst only had 35 to die like that, Bedford County had 50 and Campbell only had 17 deaths.

NOW HERE IS THE BEST, OR WORSE, PART. In 2011, Lynchburg allowed 164 to die while under their care, in their cages/kennels. This was with an intake of 2131 animals. Surrounding communities: Amherst - 37 to die in kennels with an intake of 2514, Bedford - 13 to die in kennels with an intake of 2568, and Campbell - 11 to die in kennels with an intake of 2814. Why do the surrounding shelters have a much lower number of those dying while under their care and all with a a higher intake number of animals? Ask why. Is it because those aren't counted in the "live release rate" and neither counted on the euthanization rate? Is someone not telling the truth?


Look at other No Kill shelters, see what their in-house death rate is. That's is telling the truth about this program.


Anonymous said...

If you look closer, the figures for No Kill in Virginia aren't very good. The NK shelters handled less than 12,000 animals from the state total of 243,875. So NK is a mere drop in the bucket so to speak.

Then look at the other NK shelters for their kennel death rate and only one even comes close to Lynchburg, that's Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA at 5524 with 101 to die in the kennels.

I suppose it is okay for a NK shelter to be so bad that animals are dying in their kennels of filth such as suggested in a response from No Kill News to the Friday posting of info on Lynchburg. NK News tries to debunk what is said about owners turning to other shelters. Most, if not all, shelters require one to be a resident before accepting owner surrenders. Someone needs to tell No Kill News that when owners can't surrender their pets as an owner, they surrender them as strays. So much for NK News debunking the myth.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Winograd No Kill says to LET ANIMALS DIE OF DISEASE IN THEIR CAGE or KILL EACH OTHER OVERCROWDED IN THEIR CAGES so that Nathan Winograd can fabricate more fake statistics to generate more money into into greedy pocket.

He sits like a pig in his million dollar house, rolling in money and not doing one thing to help animals.

Instead he advocates letting them die in pain and suffering so his numbers look good.

He is truly a killer and a con artist.

He can only get away with his crimes because of the gullible women he enlists to do the killng for him and support him.

Anonymous said...

007 says: Excellent reporting. Good job for noting this.

Anonymous said...

Well we know why they are dying in their kennels. When you stack them in like cord wood in order to meet an artifical goal then disese runs rampant. And of course it does not hurt any that those deaths in kennels are not counted in the EU numbers either! Great job letting animals die in kennels to be "No Kill". Not.

JayT said...

Sad when ANY shelter has so many dying in cages. When its just a handful in an ocean one says "okay, many come in very ill and things happen." But when it happens with greater frequency, there's a problem that needs to be addressed.

Anonymous said...

Did they report on any increases in spays or neuters in their spay neuter programs? Do they even HAVE spay neuter programs?

Winograd advocates against spay neuter to keep his breeders happy.

The numbers getting bred go up and up. There's no hope of ever getting ahead of it, just juggling aninmals and letting them die in cruel ways, if increasing spaying and neutering isn't addressed.

Anonymous said...

its not surprising that No Kill tries to lay the blame on the shelter. Typical strategy they have used a thousand times. It is interesting to watch some of the shelters now that are trying to get out front of the no kill marketing machine with their own in house PR which "humanizes" the shelter to the public before no kill can say other wise. Just a shame those resources can't be spent on the animals.

Anonymous said...

There were similar numbers of animals who died while in the care of the shelter at the Portsmouth Humane Society in 2010, where nearly 1 our of every 12 animals died at the shelter. I imagine that this is a problem in many no-kill shelters, but we won't know about it because most states don't require shelters to report numbers.

Sadly, that shelter director is going to the Richmond animal control center, to continue this horrible trend. The Portsmouth death numbers improved a little in 2011, but still much worse than most shelters. This Portsmouth shelter only takes animals by appointment and tells the public to advertise unwanted pets on Craiglist. How irresponsible can you be?

Anonymous said...

You say that the rate of "strays" taken in dropped, but that's not true. The vast majority of those figures are owner-surrendered pets. As part of their no-kill policy, Lynchburg Humane Society tries to encourage owners to keep their pets and gives them resources and training on how to better care for them.

The no-kill philosophy does not just involve not euthanizing for space reasons. It also involves foster programs, higher standards on surrendered pets, and greater efforts to adopt animals.

I would also be interested to see where you got your statistics on the animals that died in the cages. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but these are some pretty serious allegations. Thanks.

HonestyHelps said...

Everything was taken from the State reporting agency and the link is in this article.

HonestyHelps said...

As part of their no-kill policy, Lynchburg Humane Society tries to encourage owners to keep their pets and gives them resources and training on how to better care for them.

Translated: Dirty looks and a waiting list.

HonestyHelps said...

The no-kill philosophy does not just involve not euthanizing for space reasons. It also involves foster programs, higher standards on surrendered pets, and greater efforts to adopt animals.

NOTE: No reference to the only true solution to a pet overpopulation problem which is spay/neuter.

Translated: Higher standards on surrendered pets. NO PIT BULLS, OLD, INJURED, SICK. Cream of the crop is the higher standard.

HonestyHelps said...

I would also be interested to see where you got your statistics on the animals that died in the cages. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but these are some pretty serious allegations. Thanks.

I should give you the benefit of the doubt for not bothering to look at the state records before you opened your mouth.