Sunday, April 10, 2011


UPDATE: Finally BB did a "press release" on her stupid decision to not adopt rabbits before Easter. All this will do is send people to the pet stores rather than the shelter, pet stores that don't give a crap about educating people about rabbits. This will mean that even more rabbits will end up in the shelters after Easter and the rabbits already in the shelters will lose homes. DUMB MOVE BB!! This is nonsense! People will end up buying rabbits that are pregnant at pet stores. If anything you should ENCOURAGE people to come to the shelters instead and adopt an altered rabbit. We all know that unaltered rabbits become aggressive as they mature and that is the main reason why people "get rid of" them. Whereas an altered rabbit stands a good chance, a better chance of staying in a home. People will get a rabbit no matter and all this does is take away the chances for a shelter rabbit. EASTER IS THE PERFECT TIME TO ADOPT RABBITS FROM THE SHELTERS, unless of course you have the heart of a breeder and want to support any and all breeders, right BREEDER BARNETTE?

Get a Plush Bunny for Easter and Adopt AFTER the Holiday Every Easter, adorable baby rabbits, chicks and ducklings are given as gifts. Sadly too many are quickly discarded or die. Los Angeles Animal Services will not be doing rabbit adoptions during the week leading up to Easter from April 18 through Easter Sunday on April 24th in recognition of the sad plight of baby rabbits each year at this time. If your family is considering getting a rabbit this Easter, visit one of the six LAAS animal shelters during Easter week and talk with our experienced adoption counselors and fabulous volunteers about rabbits as companion animals. Let them help you decide if a rabbit is right for your family. If you decide a bunny is for you, take the time to get the supplies you’ll need. Get your house rabbit ready. Then come to the shelter and adopt your very own spayed or neutered bunny after Easter. Rabbits are affectionate and personable. However, they do require a lot of care and attention. A well-cared-for rabbit can live 12 to 15 years.
This woman knows no boundaries on her stupidity. Once again, she proves where her heart is, with breeders, even rabbit breeders.

BB has declared a moratorium on rabbit adoptions because of Easter. The rabbit breeders and pet stores are gonna love her for this one. If someone wants to adopt a rabbit and can't get one at the shelters, then for sure they will turn to pet stores and feed stores. Many of the adult rabbits sold in pet stores and feed stores could be pregnant, happens quite a bit. So then a person takes the rabbit home and ends up with more than they planned. At least the rabbits from the shelter are altered, no chances of litters. Plus the rabbits in the shelter are usually adults and adopting adults means a little more serious adopter. So this means that even more rabbits will end up in the shelters after Easter, even more euthanasia of rabbits. She doesn't care, rabbits are a cheap commodity in her breeding book.

Plus those people getting a rabbit from the shelter can also get an education about rabbits whereas those gotten in the pet stores won't. Rabbits from the shelter stand a better chance of staying in a home with that education.

Once again, BB shows where her heart is - making money for breeding. Wonder if she will declare a moratorium on adopting black cats before Halloween. Nah, she's already discounted that one even knowing what black cats may face at that time. What a dumb broad she is.

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