Recently the ADL-LA, the newest supporters of agribusiness cruelty and research on animals, issued a statement that employees of LAAS and rescues are supporting BB. Yeah, right, and my s**t doesn't stink. No names of course to back up this ridiculous statement. As usual the ADL-LA makes their general statement to the effect they have insiders. No one in animal control that has a right mind would report to the ADL-LA. So I thought I would post a couple of emails that were sent to the Council members and Barnette.
Brenda Barnette has been sending loads of dogs in the back of cargo vans to Canada to get them out of her shelters and keep her numbers down. Many rescuers said they were worried about these animals going out of the country and to somewhere that they couldn't be traced to see what happened to them. An article on a newsite last week disclosed that Canada still has "pound seizure." They release animals from the shelters for medical research--any lost dog may possibly end up in one of the medical lab cages also. Thousands of animals go from shelters to labs each year. Here's the link to the article that tells about it.
So, wouldn't we expect the ADL-LA to be yelling and screaming? Aren't they supposed to be leading the charge against pound seizure and research on animals? Aren't they worried about the horrible prolonged suffering and painful death of these precious animals? Shouldn't they tell BB to knock it off and get out of L.A." But, NO, the ADL-LA this week gave Breeder Barnette an A+ on her job!! So I guess that shows what liars they are. ADL stands for ALL DUMB LIARS!
Subject: [stopthekilling] LAAS's SmART Team does it AGAIN!
Cc: L.A. City Council
Honestly, Brenda…..
Your staff rescued a cat from under a chaise lounge in Beverly Hills. Really, Brenda? What a marvelous feat. Really deserves boffo press coverage.
What happened with your "flyers" and your "aCATemy Awards" Brenda? Haven't heard anything about those. How about that foster program that puts animals in basements (which few people have in L.A.)? What’s happening with that? What happened with the hundreds of foster homes you promised? Haven't seen a press release about that. How about doing actually doing something about the horrible guard dog situation in South LA and the many illegal breeders about whom you’ve been alerted? Haven’t seen any action on either of those fronts.
Busting illegal breeders whom you can easily find by looking at Craigslist - there are new ads for pit bull and chihuahua puppies every day - now THAT might deserve a press release.
You have done absolutely nothing to decrease the killing of cats and large dogs, pit bulls in particular, which are the two largest populations of animals in the shelters. Are you ever going to actually do the job our taxpayer dollars are paying you for or just continue keeping a low profile and meeting with your AKC/breeder friends?
And killing shelter animals?
Many people involved with the shelters suspended any negativity about you after your appointment was confirmed by our City Council, and everyone has been watching to see if you perform. Doesn't seem to be much going on, does there? You've been here long enough to have made a positive, dramatic difference by now, but all you've shown is that you are not up to the task.
The kill numbers are up, and adoptions to the public are down - both significantly. What ARE you doing? The most recent stats, posted by YOU, are hideous:
(insert stats)
We have long memories and little patience for your incompetence. How much longer are you planning on staying here? Do you have a time frame for your real intentions, which are obvious?
It has been clear from the beginning that you want to repeal the mandatory spay/neuter ordinance that we worked so hard to enact. As a breeder and the AKC Legislative liaison who has been directly involved in fighting mandatory spay/neuter legislation here in L.A. as well as elsewhere, you really have no business even being a City Shelter Manager. Amazing that your appointment was confirmed. Your appointment is akin to putting a crack dealer in charge of our health care system.
It is also clear that you wish to help your AKC/breeder friends by increasing the pet limits without requiring spaying and neutering.
I and others would really would like to know when you plan to leave so that maybe - just maybe - the next GM might be someone who cares about doing a proper job and actually saving animals' lives.
That would be miraculous.
Subject: Re: Fw: [stopthekilling] LAAS's SmART Team does it AGAIN!
To: "Brenda Barnette"
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 4:09 AM
We all agree on those 3 points. The problem is that you are doing nothing to accomplish any of those goals. You say you are willing to work with and communicate with those in the community, but you have not demonstrated so. Everyone that has met with you has walked away shaking their collective heads, and you are doing nothing to stop killing animals in our shelters. I've heard many in the community say that they actually miss Ed Boks. That speaks volumes about you.
You've been here 5 months collecting a fat paycheck and making no progress. I only wish to participate with those who are trustworthy and display public accountability, transparency and honesty. That doesn't include you.
This response you sent me doesn't address any of the issues I presented. You seem to be adept at rhetoric, but not forthcoming with real solutions or even information.
What about the breeders? Your friends and others? What about innovative programs to stop killing shelter animals? What about the stats that show a huge increase in killing on your watch? Care to explain? What about the guard dog situation? What about the foster homes? What about the Craigslist postings? Cats and Pit Bulls? Your AKC connection and the fact that you fought our mandatory spay/neuter law? Care to address ANY of it, Brenda?
When a pathetically attended unsuccessful adoption event was held at our $19 million shelter you ducked out to meet with your AKC breeder friends at Galpin Ford. You didn't even take the time to market the event and actually do something to ensure adoptions. Care to discuss that?
That poor cat who was shot with a tranquilizer gun in Beverly Hills was identified as a male. In this email you say "she." Do you not even know the sex of this poor cat?
And don't you think that this was overkill? This was a house cat - not a mountain lion. I'm sure your SMART team is well-intentioned, but couldn't they have used less drastic measures than dart guns to capture a small cat?
This is another example of your non-existent plans and ideas to help cats.
This cat has been available for adoption since Thursday January 20th at 8 am, and is still not adopted tonight, nine days later on Saturday night January 29th.
Your "news release" does not describe the cat in a positive manner that could make someone want to adopt. Your "news release" attempts to make you and the SMART Team look good, but not the cat who is in peril. The cat is possibly in isolation where no one will even see him.
The cat looks (appropriately) terrified, is an adult, and is not particularly remarkable on his own. For a cat who is the subject of a "news release," you would think the General Manager would at least make sure a good photo is on the LAAS website. You didn't even do that (see below).
What are the odds that this cat will be adopted? It appears the "Good Samaritan" has no plans to rescue the cat after calling attention to him.
What will you do with this cat now, Brenda? Transport him to somewhere else to be killed and then boast to everyone that he was saved from LAAS?
This is despicable. Please do the animals a big favor and leave. Leave now. We can't afford you for another 5 years.